LSSSDC Partnered Research Institutions

Lab Name State District Cluster
CSIR - CCMB (Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology) Telangana Hyderabad Biological Sciences Cluster
CSIR - CDRI (Central Drug Research Institute) Uttar Pradesh Lucknow Biological Sciences Cluster
CSIR - CFTRI (Central Food Technological Research Institute) Karnataka Mysuru Biological Sciences Cluster
CSIR - CIMAP (Central Institute of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants) Uttar Pradesh Lucknow Biological Sciences Cluster
CSIR - IGIB (lnstitute of Genomics & Integrative Biology) Delhi Delhi Biological Sciences Cluster
CSIR - IHBT (lnstitute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology) Himachal Pradesh Palampur Biological Sciences Cluster
CSIR - IICB (lndian Institute of Chemical Biology) West Bengal kolkata Biological Sciences Cluster
CSIR - IIIM (Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine) Jammu & Kashmir Jammu Biological Sciences Cluster
CSIR - IMTECH (lnstitute of Microbial Technology) Chandigarh Chandigarh Biological Sciences Cluster
CSIR - IITR (Indian Institute of Toxicology Research) Uttar Pradesh Lucknow Biological Sciences Cluster
CSIR - NBRI (National Botanical Research Institute) Uttar Pradesh Lucknow Biological Sciences Cluster
CSIR - CLRI (Central Leather Research Institute) Tamil Nadu Chennai Chemical Sciences Cluster
CSlR - CECRl (Central Electrochemical Research Institute) Tamil Nadu Karaikudi Chemical Sciences Cluster
CSJR - CSMCRI (Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute) Gujarat Bhavnagar Chemical Sciences Cluster
CSIR - CJMFR (Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research) Jharkhanad Dhanbad Chemical Sciences Cluster
CSIR - IICT (Indian Institute of hemical Technology) Telangana Hyderabad Chemical Sciences Cluster
CSIR - IIP (lndian Institute of' Petroleum) Uttrakhand Dehradun Chemical Sciences Cluster
CSIR - NCL (National hernical Laboratory) Maharashtra Pune Chemical Sciences Cluster
CSIR - NEIST (North-East Institute of Science & Technology) Assam Jorhat Chemical Sciences Cluster
CSIR - NJIST (National Institute for Inter-disciplinary Science and Technology) Kerala Thiruvananthapuram Chemical Sciences Cluster
CSIR - AMPRJ (Advanced Materials and Processes Research Institute) Madhya Pradesh Bhopal Engineering Sciences Cluster
CSIR - CBRI (Central Building Research Institute) Uttarakhand Roorkee Engineering Sciences Cluster
CSIR - CGCRI (Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute) West Bengal Kolkata Engineering Sciences Cluster
CSIR - CMERI (Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute) West Bengal Kolkata Engineering Sciences Cluster
CSIR - CRRI (Central Road Research Institute) (Delhi New Delhi Engineering Sciences Cluster
CSIR - IMMT (Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology) r (Odisha Bhubaneswar Engineering Sciences Cluster
CSIR - NAL (National Aerospace Laboratories) (Karnataka Bengaluru Engineering Sciences Cluster
CSIR - NML (National Metallurgical Laboratory) (Jharkhand Jamshedpur Engineering Sciences Cluster
CSIR - NEERI (National Environmental Engineering Research Institute) harashtra Nagpur Engineering Sciences Cluster
CSIR - SERC (Structural Engineering Research Centre) Tamil Nad Chennai Engineering Sciences Cluster
CSIR - NISCPR (National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research) Delhi New Delhi Information Sciences Cluster
CSIR - 4PI (Fourth Paradigm Institute) Karnataka Bengaluru Information Sciences Cluster
CSIR - CSIO (Central Scientific Instruments Organization) Chandigarh Chandigarh Physical Sciences Cluster
CSIR - CEERI (Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute) Rajasthan Pilani Physical Sciences Cluster
CSIR - NGRI (National Geophysical Research Institute) Telangana Hyderabad Physical Sciences Cluster
CSIR - NJO (National Institute of Oceanography) Goa Goa Physical Sciences Cluster
CSIR - NPL (National Physical Laboratory) Delhi New Delhi Physical Sciences Cluster